LEED for Homes is a rating system used to promote high performance green homes in an energy efficient, sustainable, and durable manner. LEED uses a four level certification process; certified, silver, gold, and platinum. Depending on the verifiable amount of points awarded during the process will determine the level of certification. This program is only available for building design and construction projects for single family homes and multifamily projects up to eight stories.

BPS joined with LEED for Homes because of the excellent name recognition LEED for Homes enjoys as an industry leader. 

We expected steady grown with adding LEED Green Raters and adding new projects but we have been amazed with our success. Our growth has far out performed our expectations. I believe our attention to detail and custom one on one service to our clients is key. Great quality, excellent affordable pricing and one on one service. 

Thank you to all our Green Raters and those of you that are looking for a Provider. GIVE US A CALL! 

John Hensley Principal and QAD 

The Phases of LEED Certification

1. Design Phase

In this phase before construction we work with the architect, owner, and builder to make sure the most energy efficient, sustainable, and durable materials are implemented to meet the LEED for Homes program. As well as making sure all proper documents are included in design to meet the desired certification level of buyer.

• Preliminary Rating-Conduct a preliminary rating to determine the potential certification level for the project.

• Design Review-Review all designs and specs to demonstrate program compliance prior to construction.

2. Construction Phase

Next during the Construction Phase Raters conduct inspections during the construction process. Our team will work very closely with the construction team to assure the buyer is receiving all proper information, achieving all requirements, as well as making sure all requirements have been conveyed to the team.

• ENERGY STAR V3- We oversee all checklist for ENERGY STAR compliance.

• Accountability Forms- We assure all teams sign off that everything they installed was in the correct measures.

• Site Inspections- We inspect and assess sites to assure all green building items are installed and correct.

3. Post Construction

Lastly we collect all necessary information and inspection reports. We then are responsible as a LEED for Homes Provider to collect and submit all final documents to the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI) for the proper LEED for Homes Certification.

• Final Certification- After all the above steps when we have finally reached completion, each home receives the LEED for Homes plaque stating their certification.